Friday, December 11, 2015

Provocative piece: "The Return of History"

A very unsympathetic approach to anti-globalization attitudes, but it surely is true that fights over history are at the center of the debate:

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

A trace of the 2nd global economy disappears

The company that built this network (and then underwent many corporate changes after that) finally goes out of business after being bought and folded into an American telecoms firm:

Saturday, November 7, 2015

The global economy before the American connection

(Not sure this link will work for everybody. If anybody finds a workaround, let me know.)

The story of an import so prized, royals were literally rolling in it Read the full story

Thursday, October 22, 2015


Does the iCloud link for the notes work as well as the Dropbox ones?

Sunday, September 13, 2015

A challenging article. Provocative for someone teaching like I do.

My first thought: more quizzes? Yeah, right..... No thanks.

My second thought: I just want to tell a story, not necessarily pass on a body of knowledge. Is the article even addressing such a situation?

My third thought: I could change it up in a structure that guaranteed security for me and for the students. That's not the case at the moment.

But are all of those just rationalizations??